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Effort and Skills

Hey Vic City,

In CrossFit we are constantly faced with the unknown and the unknowable. Although something that we are almost certain of is the CrossFit Open, and some of the movements and workout styles we will probably be faced with, only five short months from now.

No skill can be perfected overnight or in one training session, but the more time we commit to that skill, the easier and more proficient we will become at it. My reasoning has me believe that starting to practice our skills now and commit minutes and hours of practice in October, November, December, and January will only help us when our “test” comes out at the end of February.

A quote that I really enjoy from the most recently crowned Fittest Man on Earth, Mat Fraser, seems fitting to the point I’m trying to get across.

“When I was in school, I’d literally sit in the library for 10 hours on a Saturday. I’d read the textbook cover to cover, when I’d finish a chapter if I couldn’t tell you every single law that was in there or every single formula I’d go back and read it again. It’s not because I was addicted to reading the textbook, it’s because I was addicted to the day we got our exam, and the exam wasn’t challenging… That’s the feeling I chase.”

I’m not saying spend an 10 hours a day, but take it one chapter at a time, if you will. Spend 5-10 minutes before and or after your workout to get that extra skill workout in. It might be double unders, strict or kipping HSPU or muscle ups, toe to bar, etc. If they’ve been tested before either at Regionals or in the Open, don’t be shocked if we see them in 2017. You never know, your hard work might land you a spot on the Vic City Regional Team or a qualifying score during the Open.

We might not know exactly what the questions on the test will be, but we can prepare ourselves with the answers.

Here is the link to the video I heard the Mat Fraser quote from… It’s currently the lastest video on his Instagram.

Happy training and remember that the new class schedule is effective and starting this week. Our new website platform will have all our available group classes.




Training Monday - Tuesday

Warm-up: "Rowling" - 3 rounds, going for 200m. "Reward" for over/under is coache's choice

Skill: Back Squat 5 x 3 E90s

Build to a heavy 3

WOD: Clint

This is our second time taking on this interval workout. Each successive interval starting on a 90 second timer. You will complete 5 intervals in total. The focus is on accuracy and smoothness of movement, record your weight if you complete all the intervals in the designated time frame.

Rx: 3 power cleans, 3 STO, 12 wallballs (14/20)

TG: Scaled as needed

FG: 10/14lb wallballs

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