Fraser Valley Throwdown

An exciting weekend is approaching for quite a few competitive Vic City members! The Fraser Valley Throwdown is taking place in Abbotsford this Saturday and Sunday and we have a large contingency of athletes primed and ready to compete with the Vic City green on their backs. Over two days, the athletes will be tested mentally and physically by the WODs that have been released HERE. Competitions such as this one are a fantastic way to not only apply the fitness gained from training, but also to test your abilities and see what needs work in the future.
Here is the list of athletes competing: Teams:
Jaclyn, Meghan, Dub, Phil
Katie, Val, Kristjan, Alex D.
Alex M., Emily R., Adam, Hot Dan
France, Caileigh, Zeke, Caleb
Lindsay, Tara, Kiwi Dave, Tanner
Mark W.
If you see these members kicking around the gym before they leave on Friday, send some good luck their way. If there is an online leaderboard for the competition, I'll make sure to post the link to our Facebook page.
Coach Caleb
12 light wallballs
10 hollow rocks
8 push ups
SKILL: Warm up well for the workout! WOD:
This is a 3 person team AMRAP workout in which one person will complete one round and then rest when their two other partners go. Cycle through the rounds as many times as possible in the time limit!
Rx: 30 min amrap of:
- 15 Box Jumps (20/24)
- 15 pushups
- Row 15 calories
TG: Scale movements as needed, 10 reps of each
FG: scale box height, modified pushups
Comp: 20 reps + 20 calories, option of hspu or ring dips