Remembrance Day

Hey everyone,
Please be aware that we are running a limited class schedule on Friday November 11th as it is Remembrance Day. We have shifted the morning class to allow people time to make it to services if they so choose.
Friday November 11th Schedule: 9AM
Lest we forget.
Coaches' choice WOD: CSOR
This is a workout that we have run once before. It is in honour of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. Although you may not hear their unit name mentioned often, these individuals play a vital role in all of the major conflict areas of the world. They are the quintessential "silent professionals", conducting high risk missions, collaborating with local troops and militias, and leading the way for the other branches of our military.
This is a tough workout, but it should be that way to fully honour ALL of our soldiers present and past.
50 min time cap:
- 30 squat cleans (75/115)
-1.2k run
- 21-15-9 shoulder to overhead (75/115) and pullups
-1.2k run
- 30 burpee over box jumps
- 1.2 k run
TG: scale movements as needed, 600m runs
FG: bar weight 55-65/75-95, assisted pullups
Comp: bar weight 95/135, ctb pullups