Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-up: 4 rounds with an empty bar - 7 deadlift, 7 hang power clean, 7 shoulder to overhead. 1 samson stretch per leg after each round, holding for 10s.
WOD: "Grace"
A classic workout, Grace is simple yet deadly. 30 reps seems short but gets very long about half way through. Great times are sub 2:30, time cap 12 min.
Rx: 30 Clean and Jerks for time (95/135)
TG: Scale to hang, bar weight scaled as needed
FG1: 55-65/75-95
FG2: 75/115
Cash Out:
Rotating E90s for 3-4 rounds of everything - unbroken sets of 6-12 pullups, 10-20 pushups, 10-20 ttb or double crunch, 10-20 lunges. Add weight or difficulty as needed.