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Judging Course

Hey Vic City,

We all know by now that the Open is coming up, and we can register for it online. What some of us might not know, is that we have an option to take an online judges course.

During the Open, registered members will need to have someone judge their reps during each workout. Some athletes seem to get a bit nervous having someone watching over their every rep, but for others, they quite enjoy it. The judge is responsible for making sure that the athlete is meeting the movement standards for each rep, and correctly counting those reps. When you have a judge you can just focus on working out, not worry about counting. To make sure that you, as a judge, know those standards CrossFit is offering an online judging course for $10 USD.

This is what you can expect: "The CrossFit Judges Course offers an introduction to the skills a CrossFit Judge will use during any competition and is a prerequisite to judge on site during Regionals and the Games. The course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills used during competition, including movement standards, common faults and repetition counting. The course concludes with a final exam. Successful completion of the yearly course awards the judge a certificate that is valid for the current CrossFit Games season. A Certified CrossFit Trainer may claim 2 CEUs towards their continuing education by passing the exam."

From my previous experiences with the course, which is needs to be renewed each year, will take around 90 minutes to complete but can be broken up into about 10 minute chunks. You can't fail the test; you will have unlimited tries to complete it correctly.

Even if you don't have an interest in judging, this course can be useful for all athletes completing any workout. Especially during the Open, when each rep is critical, a no rep can set you back a few places, however, multiple no reps could be catastrophic! Going into each WOD it's important that you know the correct standards as an athlete. You don't want to have your judge trying to explain, wasting precious time, as to why you are not getting credit for your work.

If you are interested, here is the link to the Judges Course.

Until next time, hold yourself to the highest movement standards and don't fear the judge!



Training Monday - Tuesday

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 glute bridge, 10 walking lunges, 10 pushups

Skill: 12 min to a 3rm Touch and Go Power Snatch

Start with empty bar, work on good posture coming down towards the floor, no pause on floor or at hip. May pause overhead.

Beginners - work with hang power snatch

WOD: Air Assault

In this workout, you will be in a team of 4 people. The goal is to push very hard during your intervals as you will get 3 parts rest to 1 part work! Score is total calories achieved by your team as a running total. Coaches this wod should run for 32 minutes.

Rx: 16 intervals each person of 30s work on the Assault bike. Time will run continuously via the main gym clock, so be fast getting on and off the bikes!

TG: one hard interval, one easy interval

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