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17.1 is Just the Start

Hey Vic City,

Many of us took on 17.1 in the past couple days, and gave our abSOULute best, just as we should. For some, it was our first Open WOD, for others, we have been down this road before. Regardless of what category that you fall into, it was all our first time doing a dumbbell snatch in the Open... or ever! As a group we did very well. We all have our own relative standards for success, and I hope you all accomplished what you set out to do. Even if you didn't, the Open is a long competition and each workout can be viewed as a clean slate.

In my five years of doing the Open, I've been on both sides of my expectations after the first week; some times exceeding, other times failing miserably. After the five weeks, however, it has evened out as the challenges progressed. After all, we are testing for most well-rounded fitness.

My advice, moving into 17.2, would be if you are above where you thought you might be, congratulate yourself but move forward, use that confidence to replicate that same intensity that got you there in the first week. Do your true best to maintain that position on the leaderboard for the duration of the competition. On the other hand, if you are behind where you thought you may end up, don't worry, we have at least 80% of the competition remaining, work hard on 17.2 and watch yourself climb that leaderboard!

If you are currently leaderboarding, keep in mind that only about 33% of athlete's have submitted and have had their scores validated by Sunday night. Even by Monday at 5pm PST, the score submission deadline, about 80% of scores are on the leaderboard, as affiliate owner's have until Wednesday at 5pm to have them all validated.

Again, great job on 17.1, don't forget to submit your score as soon as possible (as sometimes the Games website has issues). Rest as needed, and get ready to crush 17.2.



Training Monday - Tuesday

Warm-up: 5 minutes of Cindy

This regular exposure gives you a baseline volume of calisthenics practice that will transfer to a variety of CrossFit Skills. Try to do a little more each time you see this as a warm up. If you warm up a bit before doing the "Cindy" you will reap even more benefit.

Skill: Review of kipping hspu, then

Alternating E90s for 5 rounds of each:

- Butterfly or Regular pullups 5-15 reps

- HSPU (kip or strict) 5 - 15 reps

WOD: 15 minute Assault

This is a team workout, with 3 people per team. With the clock set to 15 minutes, accumulate as many calories as possible. You may switch whenever you want, but all of your team members must do equal shares of time.

Team Name theme: Fitness Beasts!

Rx: AMRAP cals in 15 min on the Assault bike in teams of 3.

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