Masters with a shot to advance

Master's women 50-54 from the CrossFit Games!
Hey gang, as the Open comes to a close, the goal for most of you is to stick to your guns and leave it all out there this week. As Adam wrote earlier in the week, you should be incredibly proud of your efforts to this point and you have one more opportunity to showcase your fitness in 17.5.
I mentioned some of the Masters last week, and the reality for some of them is that they will have another set of challenges in a few weeks. Yes, you read that right, just as most of us are breathing a sigh of relief, our top masters will be advancing on to the next round of challenges on the road to the crossfit games.
Any Masters athlete who is in the top 200 IN THE WORLD at the end of the Open automatically advances to the next stage. At the moment, we have the following athletes with a chance at being in the top 200 come the end of the Open:
Tracey Woiwod is sitting at 253rd in the world going into the last workout, so with a great fighting chance.
Gail Cort is sitting pretty at 52nd in the world and with a last strong push will strongly solidify her position in the world rankings.
So if you see these two athletes around the gym (or witness them take on this last workout), give a little extra cheer to spur them on their way!
Almost there gang, let's get it done.
Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-up: Rowling, 3 x 100m, coaches' choice of "reward"
Skill: DB thruster practice
4 sets of 6-10 reps, E2M. Don't go too crazy with these, just get your positions and balance dialed in.
WOD: Double Rubble
This is another team workout, in which one team member works through the series while the other two rest. Choose appropriate rep ranges and scaling to keep your intervals short and mostly unbroken.
Rx: 4 rounds each person - Row 200m, 30 double unders, 6-10 pullups
TG: 30 singles, ring rows
FG: 10 doubles, assisted pullups
Comp: 60 du, 1-5 ring MU