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Road to the Games: Fikowski and Vellner

REMINDER: If you want to get any of the Vic City Virus gear, the order forms with exact cash must be in by the end of Monday April 24th. Order forms are at the gym.

In the meantime, check out this short documentary on two strong Canadian CrossFit Games athletes, Brent Fikowski and Patrick Vellner.


Review movements for skill WOD


Clean Complex - For best weight (record score)

6 sets E2M, build as you go

3 Power cleans

2 Front squats

1 Shoulder to overhead


This is a rotating EMOM, and you will switch stations each minute. No score for this workout.

Rx: 5 rounds through the following stations:

1. Burpee box jumps - 8 reps

2. Strict Pullups - 8-12 reps

3. DB/KB Reverse Lunge - 12 reps

4. Double unders - 30sec

TG: reg burpees, ring rows, single skips

FG: assisted pullups

Comp prep: 1-6 Ring MU for Pullups

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