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Classic WOD and Fresh Barbells!

Row 500m, then do it again! Sounds simple and it is. However, it is devastatingly effective at eliciting a deep burn in the quads and a lack of oxygen in the lungs. There isn't much strategy to this workout except to go hard and then go hard again. Get in, get it done and then enjoy your weekend! You'll notice that we have 10 new 20kg male barbells. About a month ago one of our barbells snapped after being dropped on a routine push press. We contacted Rogue and they offered to replace all of the same iteration of barbell for us free of charge. This is just another great example of what an incredible company Rogue Fitness is. They went out of their way to make sure we were taken care of.

On that note, we have started cleaning our barbells after each use. There are more spray bottles in the gym now to accommodate for this. We ask that you spray the cloth, then give the barbell a quick wipe after any workout that you use one. This will help the barbells last longer and also stay more sanitary. Thanks for your help on this! Cheers,

Coach Caleb


3 rounds of rowling to 150m - 2 ring rows per metre over/under SKILL: Strict Pullup - 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1 - on 1:45

Second wave heavier, this will be Score #1 (record band color if using bands)

WOD: 2 x 500m Row

A classic pacing test... push the limits but not too far!


Row 500m

Rest 1 min

Row 500m

For best combined time (not including rest) (Score #2)


50-40-30-20-10 of double unders

25-20-15-10-5 push-ups

Scale to singles and modified pushups

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