Regionals Weekend Schedule
Hey all!
The weekend that our top competitors have been working all year for is only three days away! This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Vic City's finest will be taking on the best from the Northwest at the West Regional in Portland Oregon.
Since many of our top competitors are also our coaches (they walk the walk!), we will have a reduced schedule from Thursday onwards. Check the class times and days below to make sure you can get a wod in!
No Skills Plus, regular schedule aside from that
Thursday June 1:
No morning classes
5, 6, 7pm classes running
No Skills Plus
Friday June 2:
6am, 7am, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm classes running
Saturday June 3:
8am running (this is usually a bootcamp class but will be a regular class wod this week)
*Possible Sat afternoon open gym and/or class, stay tuned!*
Monday June 5:
6am, 7am, SPECIAL 12 noon, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm classes running
No 4pm or Skills Plus
Regular Schedule Tuesday with the exception of Skills Plus
Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-up: Dowel Game!
Skill: Power Clean technique review
WOD: Three-totaller
This wod combines scores from three different elements. Maximize your weight and reps in all of them for the best result.
Part 1: 10 minutes to a 5 RM touch and go power clean (warm up bar only, bar may NOT rest on the ground)
immediately into
Part 2: 10 minute clock - To achieve your best set of consecutive double unders. Every time you break, 10 double crunch. Minimum 5 attempts
immediately into
Part 3: 10 minute clock - 800m run then AMRAP of 7 ctb pullups, 14 HR pushups