Vic City Summer Updates!

Tony and Nile sprint it out at Beach wod 2016. Photo credit: Oscar Bravo
Hey Vic City,
With summer now in full swing, it's time to lay out what the next couple of months will look like for events and activities at Victoria's best crossfit gym!
Are you looking to find out more about our high performance training program? Want to make the jump from Skills Plus to the comp team? Do you regularly hit our CP level workouts?
Then you will want to swing by on Saturday July 15 at 11:30am. I'll be overviewing the levels of the program, the structure of the training year, and other guidelines. On top of this, we'll be doing some testing to see if you have what it takes! Expect the day to run until about 3pm.
If you would like to attend, please email coach Cam to RSVP
For the last three summers, we've run swim and beach workouts as a fun addition to our weekly programming. This year we are lining up some dates to get out and enjoy the natural environment we are so lucky to live in.
At the moment we have Sunday July 23rd as a tentative date for our first swim/beach wod, so pencil it in your calendars and stay tuned for more information!
Due to the beach wods and the upcoming MURPH Challenge, we will be postponing the Vic City Games until September. Thank you all for your patience and it will be a great event with the same format as we had planned for June (M+M and F+F partners)
That's it for now, keep fit and have fun... and be sun safe!!
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 8 ring rows, 8 air squats, 8 double crunch
Skill: Bench Press Heavy Single - 16 min time frame
Work up to a heavy single, starting with bar only. Make sensible jumps, always use a spotter!!
WOD: Countdown 3.0
This is a variant of a wod that we did in week 50 of our programming (i.e. in 2013). This time around, we're going through a second time as the original wod just had one cycle through. Total reps is your score.
Rx: 2 rounds of - 3 min du, 2 min taters (35/53), 1 min burpee with jump over KB - must get 10 burpees in for your score to count as Rx!
TG: 1 round, single skips (divide by 2), scale movements as needed
FG: singles or doubles, kb at 26/44, regular burpees
Comp: 3 rounds, heavier KB (44/70)