Photo: Oscar Bravo
The weather outside is delightful
And indoor wods are truly frightful
But we really want some fitness so
Off to the beach wod we go!
Sunday July 23rd we'll be hosting our first Beach WOD of 2017. Last summer we had three events, shared between the beach and two different lakes... and we're going to continue that tradition!
There will be a series of workouts that will be team based and will utilize many different implements - some naturally occurring ones, and some unique ones from inside the gym. There will be some mild water exposure however we will have options for scaling all workouts, including for people who aren't into doing any swimming!
Registration is $10 and you can sign up HERE. You don't need a team, you just need a good attitude and the willingness to get out and enjoy some fitness in the sun :)
The event will run from 1pm to approximately 3:30pm, and of course there is the option of hanging out at the beach afterwards.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Warm - Up:
Skill: Back Squat Heavy Single (16 min time frame)
Be safe with this, we want excellent technique while lifting a NEAR maximum weight. Coaches will review proper bailing technique prior to the workout for both forward and backward bails!
WOD: 2Mile
This is a partner workout, in which you both run a mile (4 x 400m) each, in a relay format. While one of you is running, the other is resting!
Rx: 4 x 400m each partner
TG: 4 x 200m each
FG: 4 x 300m each
Comp: Consider adding a weight vest, 5 x 400 each