A Fond Farewell
Hey Vic City,
With every end, there comes a new beginning… and with that statement, I have some important news to share with you all.
I’m sad to announce that Caleb Woiwod and Caileigh McDade are no longer coaching at CrossFit Vic City. They let me know in June that they have plans to open a gym with the help of Tracey and Mark (Caleb’s parents) and have chosen to focus on that for the foreseeable future.

Caleb training in our original location ~ 2014
Most of you will have known Caleb as he was with Vic City since just after I opened the gym in 2013. He was a great help in building the gym to what it is today and I am truly sad to see him leave. He began in the early days with coaching the Onramp program and progressed over the years to coaching regular classes as well as our excellent Skills Plus program. He guided many of you through our programming, setting high standards for our members while leading the way himself on the competition floor.

Caileigh crushing the Regionals 2017 competition
Likewise Caileigh was instrumental in contributing to the growth of several programs we run after she joined our coaching staff in 2014. She was an outstanding performer at Regionals several years running, securing an individual competitors spot 4 years in a row and showing the rest of us how to “walk thewalk”. She brought a calm and open demeanour to her coaching and was renowned for her crisp demos and quick smile.

Tracey and Mark - at home on the beach or in the gym!
Tracey and Mark were both strong members of our community, and contributed their time and effort (and incredibly healthfully delicious food!) with full hearts over the past 4 years or so. As stalwarts in the 6am class, they set the bar in many WODs and balanced their intensity with genuine generosity and warmth. They will be sorely missed also.
With this change in mind, we have already started moving forwards and continue our community’s mission towards greater health, fitness, and CrossFit competitive success. With two outstanding new coaches on board and our existing talented coaching staff, we are eager to help you hit more PRs and crush more WODs starting this coming week. There will be no interruption of classes or quality coaching as we have prepared well for this transition and are excited to get started.
This opportunity is coming at a good time for myself also as I have been looking for the right time to reintegrate into more regular coaching opportunities. While I know the importance of the behind-the-scenes work I do as the owner, I’m really excited to introduce some new programs to the Vic City lineup in addition to reconnecting with you all and helping you achieve your fitness goals.
As with everything, an end brings a new beginning, and for our gym community, that beginning starts tomorrow. Join me as we wish Caleb, Caileigh, Tracey and Mark all the best, and as we ourselves move onwards to pursue our own fitness and health endeavours.
See you soon
Training Monday - Tuesday
Theme: Quality practice - building good habits that will transfer into more intense metcon performance
Warm-up: Alt EMOM x 8 min total: 6 shuttle runs alt with 8 double crunch, 8 glute bridge
Skill: Review Split Jerk: Focus - appropriate distance of split and timing of feet and arms
Skill WOD: Clean and Jerk EMOMs
8 rounds of 2 power clean + 1 jerk EMOM x 8
Rest 4 min, add weight
8 rounds of 1 power clean + 1 jerk EMOM x 8
Conditioning WOD: "Roll the dice twice" - 3 min of work of one movement, rest 2 min, and another 3 min (remove the previous movement from contention)
Movements: 1 = wallballs, 2 = burpees, 3 = Taters, 4 = SD box jumps, 5 = DU, 6 = air squat