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Vic City Games & Push Week & More!

Hey guys, lots to keep you updated on as we head into the last week of August!

1. Vic City Games - Preliminary date - September 10 (Sunday). Use this as a tune up for the CrossFit Team Series or just to throw down with your favorite buddy! This will be a competition for pairs of all combinations - F+F, M+F, and M+M will all compete in the same division. Links to register up soon!

2. PUSH WEEK - Additional classes are going to happen in the 6am bracket - we will run 6ams EVERY DAY next week to give you guys a chance at getting in all the wods. No skills plus next week due to the higher training volume in the classes. If you are on 2 days per week, come to 3 wods, if you're on 3 days per week, you can come to all wods next week!

3. This is the last week of our supplement sale - make sure to grab your JaktRx protein or some rolls of tape while the sale prices last! Choc Peanut Butter protein is on backorder through Jakt but should be here in early Sept.

4. RUGBY DAY - Sunday September 17 - Come out and learn rugby skills and drills from Coach Graham (James Bay Rugby Team captain and US national team player) and Coach Cam (former BC representative player and BC Premier league player). This will be a FUN day for any Vic City member who wants to learn a bit about rugby and have a good time doing a new sport. This is for our group only but family members will be welcome ... more details in an upcoming post!

Looking forward to an amazing September.



Training Friday - Saturday

Warm Up: TBA

WOD: Nasty Girls

One of the very first videos I have ever seen on CrossFit was the "Nasty Girls" wod demonstrated by OG athletes Eva T., Annie Sakamoto, and Nicole Carrol. This is a tough combo of gymnastics and olympic lifting with a hefty dose of lactic acid. Scale wisely and have fun!

Rx: 3 rounds for time of: 50 air squats, 7 ring muscle ups, 10 hang power cleans (95/135)

TG: 30 air squats, 7 ring rows, 7 pushups. Scale bar as needed

FG1: 7 assisted pullups + 7 jumping ring dips, 65/95

FG2: 14 ctb pullups, 7 ring dips, 75/115

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