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Supplement Sale - 1 Last Day!

mmm... Cherry Limeade BCAAs!

Hey gang,

I know lots of you were waiting to see some Chocolate WOD Recovery protein come in and it has arrived! Due to this, we are extending the August supplement and tape sale for one more day - end of day Friday Sept 1. Pop in and grab your supps at some great discount prices!

We also have the Cherry Limeade BCAAs back in stock!

Looking forward to the end of PUSH week, we have two more workouts. After these two have concluded, we will tabulate the winners for the Rx and Scaled groups. We are almost there and you guys have shown tremendous commitment to training and pushing this whole week. Keep it up!




WARM-UP: Rotating EMOM x 3 rounds

minute 1: 5-10 cal bike or row

minute 2: 10 walking lunges

minute 3: 6 shoulder to overhead per arm DB/KB

WOD: The Finisher

So a "finisher" is a term used for a short but intense add-on to a workout to really bring the burn. In this case, we're doing short intense work, but in a few repeated blocks... and it's the main part of the workout!

Work hard to get as many reps as possible in this challenging set of intervals. Also commit to doing either the scaled or rx versions to continue building your score set for the king and queen of push week!

Rx: Two 3 minute intervals of: Row 250m then AMRAP 3 thrusters (95/135), 6 barhop burpees, 18 double unders

Rest 2 minutes between intervals. Only the reps after the row contribute to your score

Scaled: 65/95, 36 single skips per round

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