Vic City Events Calendar

One of the biggest competitions in BC - the Fraser Valley Throwdown - is set to go at the end of October
Hey all,
Next time you're in the gym, I'm sure you'll notice a fantastic new calendar by the washrooms. Coach Sara has put together this board to keep you updated on what's coming up at Vic City, including competitions, gym events, and Onramp start ups.
Be sure to check the calendar to make sure you don't miss out on any of the great activities we have for you in the coming months.
Given that it is now October, we'll be having our usual holiday hours over the Thanksgiving weekend, which means that on Monday October 9 we will have two classes only - 930am and 5pm. Come on in for one of those classes and take on a fun team wod!
That's it for now, see you in the gym.
Training Monday - Tuesday
Warm-up: Partner Shuttle run with plank
1, 2, 3, 4 laps each
Skill: Push Press 6 x 3 E90s
Work up to a max weight for 3 reps
WOD: Mullback Mile
Named after our very own Katie Mullback, this is a great combined test of aerobic ability and barbell cycling. Scale so that the power cleans are done as singles quickly but not touch and go.
Rx: 4 rounds for time of: 400m run, 6 power cleans (95/135), 12 step down box jumps
FG2: 75/115
FG1: 55/75
TG: Scaled as needed
CP: 105/155