Rx Smart Gear
Hey Vic City,
Christmas is just around the corner, and it is time to start getting to that holiday shopping. It is also a good time to get practicing those double unders, as the Open will be here before you know it.
A great gift for a family member or a friend, or even a motivating self gift to get some skipping practice, would be a new jump rope. It was brought to my attention that some of the members at the gym are interested in placing an order through RX Smart Gear, a very popular brand that specializes in jump ropes, and would like to extend the offer to anyone else that might be interested, so everyone can save on US shipping costs. It also appears there might be a slight discount on bulk orders, so the more ropes ordered, the more everyone can save!
Check out their website at RX Smart Gear. They have many customizable skipping rope handles, wires, and even weights and lengths.
Feeling good about your doubles, but want another challenge? Try out a weighted rope to improve that shoulder stamina.
If you are interested in getting in on an order, have your desired purchase prepared by Saturday December 2nd.
Talk to Rob Black at the gym if you have any further questions.

Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-Up: rotating EMOM x 3 - 6 to 10 cal row, 6 to 10 pushups, 10 medball cleans
Skill: Back Squat 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 E2M
Increase weight each set, not to max - 1's should be around 90%
Ideal sequence: 60-65-70-75-85-90
WOD: Half GI Jane
This is a classic and very simple workout, and we're doing the "half" version... unless you want to scale up :)
Rx: Half GI Jane - 50 burpee pullups for time (bar should be above standing reach)
FG: 5 rounds - 10 burpees, 10 assisted pullups
TG: 3-5 rounds - 10 burpees, 10 ring rows
CP: 100 burpee pullups (full Rx for logging) - expect a 12-18 minute workout