Vic City Updates December!
Hey all, lots of items to update you on for this month and beyond... read through to stay up to date!

Firstly, Happy Birthday to our very own Coach Adam, who turned 24 on Sunday! Yep, he's only 24 but has the beard growing capabilities of a man much older and could likely overhead squat a bear!
Secondly, we will be starting the Open Gym schedule this week with the exception being Tuesday and Thursday evenings - in the new year we'll be moving the teens lifting and the onramp to clear more time. At the moment though there isn't enough space/time to run an open gym on Tues and Thurs afternoon/evenings. The rest of the Open Gym times on the schedule are valid for all people who have upgraded to the Unlimited Membership!
Third, some questions have been asked about who needs to have an Unlimited Membership. Here's the answer - if you're doing skills before and after class for more than about 10 minutes OR you're using equipment to work on strength and fitness, then you need to upgrade to an Unlimited membership and use the Open Gym times.

Fourth, we have our Christmas WOD and Potluck this coming Saturday Dec 16!! 10am WOD, which will be a variant of the infamous "12 Days of Christmas", and 11am potluck with all family members welcome. Bonuses for winter/Christmas attire, including a 2 minute reduction in your wod time for wearing said gear! Visit our Facebook event page to RSVP and to see what people are bringing for food!
Fifth, we will be installing a Beyond the Whiteboard Logging station very soon by the office. Here, you'll be able to check the daily leaderboard, enter your scores, and check out movement demos before and after class! Thanks to Alan Wade for literally "hooking us up" electrically to get this done.
That's about it for now gang, lots going on at Vic City with some really cool stuff happening in January also. Keep cracking away at these wods, log them in BTWB, and encourage each other in the process!
See you in the gym
WARM-UP: Rowling - 3 rounds of 150m, coaches' choice of fitness reward! 7 min cap
This is another classic that has over 111,000 results logged in BTWB. Want to know where you stand in terms of clean and overhead barbell cycling? Look no further, Grace will tell you!
Rx: 30 clean and jerk (power clean and push jerk) for time @ 95/135
FG2: 75/115
FG1: 55-65/75-95
TG: Scale weight and movement as needed
FITNESS BONUS: Alternating EMOM x 6 each: 8-16 wallballs, 8-16 HR pushups