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NEW Youth Weightlifting

Hey all, as you all know, weightlifting is a challenging and rewarding way to train. Requiring strength, speed, coordination, and flexbility, weightlifting develops several athletic elements all in one.

For young athletes pursuing sport or weightlifting itself, a proper start is vital. Building proper motor patterns through pre-planned and age appropriate progressions will set young athletes off on the right foot.

We have an exciting new format at Vic City for youth to do just that. Head Coach Rachel Siemens and Coach Josh Leangen will be working from a pre-registration format for Youth Weightlifting that will allow for a more streamlined progression. This is a change from the past when the program ran more on a drop in or casual basis.

This will be great for the athletes as they will be able to commit more fully to the program on a weekly basis, improving their learning of the skills and progression in all areas!

The 8 week program will start on March 1st (Thursday) with classes running 4-5pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The cost is $190+tax for the full 8 weeks (at twice a week) or $120+tax for half of the sessions (once a week).

Registration and more information on the benefits of the program ares live HERE!




WARM UP: 3 rounds with an empty barbell: 8 deadlifts, 8 presses, 8 back squats, 30 jumping jacks in between

SKILL: Deadlift Wave Load E90s

Warm up to 70% then do the following sets -

Moderate: 5, 3, 1 (70-80-90%)

Heavier: 5, 3, 1 (75-85-95%)

WOD: Krumble

This is a team wod in which you will be in a team of 3 people. You switch every minute between team members and go through the whole sequence 3 times for a total of 27 minutes of work!

Each walking lunge length counts for 10 reps (half counts).

1 min each person - lengths of DB walking lunge (2 db's or kb's held at front rack or above the shoulders - 35/50), pick up where last person left off.

1 min each person - DB or KB hang squat cleans

1 min each person - Strict HSPU

Rx: 30-35/50-53, HSPU to floor

FG2: 20-26/40-44, HSPU to blocks

FG: Scale kb/db as needed, pushups (divide by 2)

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