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18.3 The Skills!

Hey all, 18.3 is here, and it is not short on skills or challenge! Many people were mentioning that the first two weeks were relatively low skill workouts, and most were expecting to see that shift in the remaining weeks.

That's not to say that toes to bar and cleans are low skill, but that we hadn't yet seen higher level gymnastics to put some separation between competitors in that regard.

This has all changed with 18.3 as we have two gymnastics movements, a whack of double unders, and then a challenging set of overhead squats.

Here's how it breaks down:

14 min time cap (all divisions)


100 double unders

20 overhead squats (80/115)

100 double unders

20 ring muscle ups

100 double unders

20 DB Snatches (35/50)

100 double unders

12 bar muscle ups


each set of double unders is replaced by 100 single skips

both sets of muscle ups are replaced by regular pullups

overhead squats are scaled to 35/45

DB snatches are scaled to 20/35

So this workout represents a more significant challenge with the muscle ups and squat weight in there... but as always, ANY Rx score will beat any scaled score, so if you have your double unders, you can get an Rx score.

After that, it would be wise to scale if the OHS weight is out of reach for you.

There will be tie break times after each set of double unders, so the faster you complete each set of those, the better (especially if you are going to be stopped dead by the next movement).

It's going to be a cracker gang, and again, an opportunity for you to surprise yourself with your abilities!




WARM-UP: Set by each coach, depending on the class participant numbers. Generally, you will warm up by practicing the movement patterns of the workout.


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