11.6, 12.5, 18.5

What's old is new ... again! The last workout of the 2018 CrossFit Open is one that we have seen two times before - in 2011 and 2012.
This year, anyone was able to vote for a choice of three different (but similar) workouts to take on for 18.5. All three featured pullups, and two featured thrusters, two movements without which the Open wouldn't have felt "right".
In the end, the people spoke and an ascending ladder of thrusters and CTB pullups was chosen. It was a very exciting live announcement to watch also, with three of the very fittest women in the world (all from Iceland) competing head to head in Reykjavik. If you haven't seen it, it's well worth the watch. You can check it out HERE (click on 18.5)
What does the workout look like - see below!
18.5: 7 min time cap
Ascending reps of thrusters (65/100) and CTB Pullups. 3+3, 6+6, 9+9, and so on!
As above with barbell weight at 45/65 and jumping pullups
Now we did a workout with the same number format last week. It mixed hang squat cleans and handstand pushups, and many people got bogged down very quickly in the round of 12. Depending on your strengths and weakesses, 18.5 could go in a similar or different direction.
Pullups are a bit more fatigue resistant than handstand pushups but most people would be well advised to not do their CTB reps in chunks greater than 3. Thrusters (if they're your jam) can be done for higher reps but I would suggest no more than 6 reps at a time for most people to control fatigue.
Good luck and have fun, it's the very last one!!
SPECIAL NOTE: We will be having students from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy attending Friday Night Lights this week! They will be doing some bodywork on the S+H side and are available for any participant!
See more details tomorrow if you are attending FNL!
WARM-UP: 4 rounds - 7 medball cleans, 5 medball burpees, 3 pullups or 5 ring rows
Before your wod, warm up to above your thruster weight to prime your body for success.
WOD: 18.5!!
See details above :)