Easter Weekend Hours!

Gather your crew for some tough wods!
Hey all, we've got a cracker of a wod Fri-Sat and another great one loaded up for Mon-Tues. To get your shot at these workouts, make sure you know the deal with our classes this Easter. See below for our class schedule:
Friday: 930am and 5pm classes only!
Saturday: Regular class schedule (8am bootcamp, 9 & 10 am regular classes, 1130 HERO Saturday)
Monday: 930am and 5pm classes only!
Both workouts will feature team elements so come prepared to meet up with your buddies to throw down on some tough efforts.
Hoppy Easter, see ya soon
WARM UP: 400m jog, 1 length walking lunges, 20 double crunch
This is a team workout for groups of 4 people. It is the "big brother" of the EMOM that we did on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Choose your scaling wisely on the movements, and PACE for the duration of the workout!!
Rotate Every 2 minutes, between the following stations, working for 1:15 and resting for 45 seconds between stations. Your score is your total team reps + calories.
Rotate through each station 5 times (40 min)
1. Row (calories)
2. Ground to overhead (95/135) reps
3. Assault bike (calories)
4. Burpee Box Jump reps (20/24)
FG: Scale bar weight and box as needed (or step up)
TG+FG consider 3-4 rounds total