Get better everyday

WARM UP: 5 minute Cindy
WOD: "Triple B"
This is an adaptation of a workout designed by Ben Bergeron... full name Ben Bergeron Burner... and it will be a test of mettle for sure. Make sure you scale correctly to your current ability!
20 minute time cap
Rx: 30/50 Calorie Assault Bike, 30 Power Cleans (95/135), 30 burpee box jump overs (20/24), 50 wallballs (14/20)
FG2: Scale bar weight to 65-75/-95-115, step over box, wallballs 10/14
FG1: Scale weight and halve reps.
CP: 50/70 Calorie Assault Bike, 50 Power Cleans (135/95), 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24), 70 wallballs (14/20)
CASH-OUT: 5 x 6-10 strict pullups