Fitness tips, Sales, and Events!
Hey all,
In our quest to keep up our standard of dispensing the highest quality information on CrossFit, as well as fostering an even better sense of community, we've decided to start up a mailing list for our new newsletter and for events in and around Vic City.
For the moment, the sign up is pretty obvious - it's front and centre on our main website page! We're doing this so that it's obvious where you have to go to get on board with our list.

you know what to do!
If you subscribe, you'll be up to date with all the latest events at Vic City, of which there will be many this summer! You'll also get first notice of any supplement or gear sales, as well as info on other important items around the gym and community.
As an added incentive, we will randomly choose 10 people by Sunday May 13 to receive their choice of a Vic City decal or a $10 gift card for any equipment/supplement at the box!!
Make sure to add "" to your contacts to make sure you get our emails - otherwise they might get lost in the jumble of much less important messages you receive :)
I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with you guys and making your fitness journey as enjoyable and as successful as possible!
Sign up today, you never know when the first sale announcement will come out ;)
WARM-UP: 3 rounds - 12 KB deadlifts (1 KB), 4 Samson Lunge, Wrist/Forearm stretch of coaches choice
SKILL: Power Clean - work up to a heavy triple over 12 minutes.
Your wods today are again a "choose your own adventure". If you have a benchmark from this group that you really want to hit, here is your chance!
Everyone will start on the same clock (space allowing) and get cracking at their choice of workout. Remember that if you're able to get an Rx score, it will directly apply to your Fitness Number on Beyond the Whiteboard!
WOD Choice #1: "Nasty Girls"
A challenging workout with a great mix of stamina and gymnastics.
Rx: 3 rounds for time of: 50 air squats, 7 ring muscle ups, 10 hang power cleans (95/135)
FG: 14 CTB per round, 75/115
TG: 30 air squats, 14 jumping pullups, scale bar as needed
WOD Choice #2: "Fran"
By popular request, Fran is a high intensity combo that is classic and deadly.
Rx: 21-15-9 of Thrusters (65/95) and Pullups
FG: 55/75, jumping pullups
TG: Scale as needed
WOD Choice #3: "Karen"
Rx: 150 Wallballs for time (14/20)
FG: scale wallball weight
TG: 50-100 reps, scale wallball weight