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All Regions Leaderboard

Hey Vic City,

Another batch of Regional weekends have come and gone, and with that, another 11 men, 11 women, and 11 teams have punched their ticket to the CrossFit Games. Although the regions are separate, the workouts are still the same and athletes complete them at the same time (locally) and with the same amount of rest between events. However, there are a few other factors that might alter scores from region to region, but the results are fairly accurate of each athlete’s fitness.

On the CrossFit Games leaderboard you can filter the regional results by location, but for the first time this year, they have an “All Regionals” scoreboard. The all-inclusive leaderboard has all the men together, all the women together, and all the teams together, and ranked from first to last. Like the Open ranking, first gets you one point and second gets you two etc. etc. etc. With the lowest total being ranked the highest.

The reason why I bring this up is the importance of it, and how it might be shocking to some. Mat Fraser, two-time fittest man on earth, is NOT leading the All Regions leaderboard. Fraser is in second place despite having three event records. Patrick Vellner is currently in first. At this year’s Regionals, 50% of the workouts Fraser did, he beat everyone else in the world. On the other hand, Vellner has zero event records. The reason why Vellner has the lead is because he’s placed between third and 15th, and Fraser has come as low as 53rd.

Our Push Week, is much like a Regional’s weekend, there are six events, each testing different aspects of fitness, with the opportunity to compare against a large number of other competitors. This example shows that it doesn’t matter how much you beat everyone by in one, two, or even three workouts, you need to do well across all tests.

If a workout comes up that seems to not have your ‘strengths’ don’t throw in the towel, do your best and fight for every rep, pound, or second.

If you want to check out the full Regional leaderboard, click this link.




WARM UP: "Roxanne" with burpees!

SKILL: Practice movements for the workout


A classic barbell complex, DT will challenge your grip, your muscular endurance, and your pacing.

For PUSH week, we will have a time cap on the wod of 12 minutes (approximately the 50th percentile on BTWB for Rx).

If you do not finish within the time cap, add any extra reps onto your time as seconds.

For example, if you all you had left at the end of the workout were the 6 shoulder to overhead reps, your time would be 12:06. Just like the Open, some of the weights might challenge you, but aim to scale in the same division as you did for Maribel and go from there!

CP: 5 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts (125/185), 9 hang power cleans, 6 shoulder to overheads

Rx: As above, scale bar weight to 105/155

Scaled: Bar weight 65/95

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