PUSH Week 4.0 Kings and Queens!
Hey gang, the scores are tabulated and it is settled - we have our PUSH week Kings and Queens!
Here are the stipulations - all of our Kings and Queens had to do the following:
1. Stay in the same scaling category for the full week
2. Log all their scores in BTWB
3. Get scores in the Aerobie, DT, and Molehill wods (Wed, Thurs, Fri) - which were our official scoring events for PUSH week 4.0.
When the dust settled, there were a lot of great scores that didn't make it up on BTWB, and therefore were ineligible! If you're in that boat, remember for next time!
For each category (CP, Rx, Scaled), the following prizes will be awarded. Prize winners, grab your prizes from Cam next time you are in (new shipment of JaktRx is on the way).
Top male and female in each category: 1 tub of the supplement of your choice, 2 Vic City shirts, and 1 decal
Second and third place in each category: Vic City shirt and 1 decal
In the CP category, we had no women who completed the week's challenges, but there was a tight battle for the men. Coach Phil reigned supreme in the end, King of the CP!

In the Rx division, 4 men and 6 women were in the running after all the wods were complete - here's how it turned out! Congratulations to Will Parris, King of the Rx, and Rachelle Woykin, Queen of the Rx!

In the Scaled division, again a great competition. These wods were fast and furious for the most part and when the dust settled, Mo Tayeban and Mack were our King and Queen of the Scaled division! Well done all.

Great work everyone on another epic PUSH week. These weeks aren't easy but they represent higher volume AND higher intensity for most of you and that will build fitness for sure. Carry that momentum forwards as you train through the summer and get ready for PUSH week 5.0!
WARM-UP: 3 rounds of: 10 kbs, 10 steps walking lunge, 10 double crunch
SKILL: DB Thruster, Barbell Thruster, or Wallballs - 5 x 10 E90s
Keep these LIGHT, just for practice!
WOD: Team Scream
This workout is all about conditioning and adjusting your pace each round. Work with your team mates and encourage each other!
You may row or use the assault bike, for this workout we will use the main clock as the timer for both the bike and row (so no additional time in changeovers).
Rx: In teams of 3 - 1 min each person, 45 seconds each, 30 seconds each, 15 seconds each.
This is one round (7 minutes 30 seconds). You will do three rounds total, re-starting each round with the 1 min intervals. Total wod time - 22:30
Your score is your total calories for your team
FG: 1-2 full cycles.