July Events

Rachael smashing some sled pulls! PC: Oscar Bravo
Hey Vic City! July is rapidly approaching and we have TWO exciting events for you to participate in.
On Sunday July 8, we'll be running our BEACH WOD from 9-11am at Cadboro-Gyro beach. This has been a favorite event over the past 4 years and fun for all fitness levels. We'll do some team based challenges and incorporate the natural features of the beach to vary it up. This event is FREE for all members and friends/family members are welcome to attend. Click HERE to rsvp to the Facebook Event page.
Our second annual MURPH Challenge will be held this year on Saturday July 21 from approximately 11:30am to 4pm. This event is a fundraiser for Soldier On, a Canadian organization that supports injured soldiers in their pursuit of fitness and sport. Participation will be by donation, with all proceeds being sent directly to Soldier On. Last year we had close to 30 people participate across all levels (including full Rx, Half Murph, Scaled and partner Murph). We'll be prepping for this event pretty much each week in the lead up so you will be able to tackle it head on. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks!
If you have any questions about these events, ask your coach and they can answer them as best they can.
See you in the gym,
WARM UP: 3 rounds of -
8 KB Deadlifts (single KB), 4 KB push press per arm, 8 medball cleans
SKILL (SCORE): 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 full clean, 1 jerk x 8 rounds
- Go E2:30 and build up to the heaviest weight possible for the full cycle
- Each cycle should be completed within the first 40 seconds of each time period (i.e. you can let the barbell go but you need to be reasonably quick)
- It must be a power clean, stand up, then front squat
- Split or Push Jerk is fine
In teams of 3, rotate quickly on the assault bike, performing 25 seconds of work each person with a 5 sec switch time.
Each person will complete 8-10 intervals of work (12-15 minutes, dependent on time)
No score, just hard effort!