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Five Years of Fitness

The saying goes "time flies when you're having fun", and it couldn't apply more to the past five years. In 2013 I started up CrossFit Vic City with the dream of offering top quality crossfit programming and coaching and we haven't looked back since.

When we opened up, I had a full time job at the Canadian Sports Institute, so I knew it would be a necessarily slow build. After putting my savings into the lease, first shipment of equipment, and all the other various fees, it was time to open the doors. We started with only a few classes per day. I grabbed two quality coaches from PISE, Sarah Smith and Caleb Woiwod, who both helped to get the gym classes and systems running from Day 1.

A large crew of friends and fellow athletes put in lots of hours painting, installing equipment, cleaning, and doing all of the rest of the less glamorous but necessary jobs that are involved with getting an industrial space ready for use. I don't want to list all of you here for fear of missing some people, but suffice to say, you know who you are and your contributions will be forever appreciated.

We even ran classes for a while without flooring (or a pullup rig!) as there was a delay with shipping from the states. There were some hoops to jump through with licensing and zoning as well as some issues with noise complaints from the local businesses.

Those challenges didn't stop us, and word quickly spread of the new CrossFit gym in town. More quality coaches and members followed, and we developed from a small group into a burgeoning community.

In 2015, we were given two weeks notice to leave our first location, a predicament that left all of us wondering about the future of CrossFit Vic City. I bought a van and stocked it with equipment for doing guerilla wods around town (which we did do - and it was really fun!).

Thankfully, Victoria Shannon, who had trained both with us and her long time strength coach Zeke Cabell, stepped in and saved the brick and mortar gym. She was able to help us get into our current space in amazingly short order, and her crew converted the building from a dated office cubicle zoo into the open "box" we know today.

Victoria, we are forever in your debt for that assistance, and I think I speak for everyone at the gym that we are super thankful for our current space and the opportunities it provides.

Along the way there have been tons of people who have helped out in all ways big and small. I trust that over the years I have personally thanked you all for your assistance and I continue to be blessed by the support of so many caring and capable individuals. It goes without saying that Michelle's presence by my side was crucial in both starting the gym and persevering when things got especially tough.

Five years has passed and we are all looking forward to the next chapter in Vic City's history. We've got a lot of improvements already completed this year and are looking to continue that trend as we move forwards. I don't have any celebration planned as of yet, but suffice to say that getting the opportunity to work with, coach, and hang out with all our coaches, members, and friends is reward enough.

Thank you all for helping to make CrossFit Vic City an amazing place.

See you soon




WARM UP: Partner shuttle runs alternated with rounds of 5 med ball burpees, 10 squats to med ball

*Shuttle runs - run forwards out, then backwards back

*1,2,3,4 runs each


Aim to build off of your 5 x 5 from last week. At your top weight, aiming to have an increase of 10-20lb is reasonable on a set of 3 versus a set of 5.

WOD: 2018 Regionals Event 4

This workout featured as one of the individual wods at this years worldwide qualifiers for the CrossFit Games, the Regionals. At the top level, there's a lot of speed and accuracy under fatigue. If the weights are tough for you then the issue will be working efficiently in terms of setting up properly for each snatch rep, and resting appropriately in between.

Try to pick a first weight that you can move methodically as single reps, so that you can drop down to a weight that you can move quickly even when tired.

Rx: 2 rounds of: 10 snatches (135/95) and 12 burpees. Then immediately into 2 rounds of: 10 snatches (65/95) and 12 burpees

FG2: 75/115 and 55/75

FG1: Scale bar as needed

TG: rounds are 5 snatches and 6 burpees, scaled as needed

CP (Regionals weight): 125/175 and 75/115

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