Beach WOD Update
Hey Vic City,
Just a quick reminder that our BEACH WOD 2018 is fast approaching! The event date is this SUNDAY, JULY 8TH from 9-11 am.
We continually have a growing amount of people RSVP to the Facebook event page so don't forget to get in on it by clicking the link. Additionally, we have an even larger pool of 'interested' people on the event. If you plan on coming, slide that status from 'interested' to 'going.'
The workout will have multiple components, with elements that are unique to the beach. Friends and family are welcome, but please mention that in the discussion or get them to RSVP on the Facebook event as we are looking to make teams beforehand.
The weather forecast is looking good for that morning, so it would be great to see everyone out!

WARM - UP: 3 rounds: 30 single skips, 10 t-rotation planks, 4 samson lunges
SKILL: Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 E2M
5's held at about 70-75%, 3's held across at about 85%
WOD: Bench Bike
This workout is all about high intensity effort with good recovery. Although not specifically "Murph" prep, the endurance in your chest and arms will pay off in pushups later on!
This workout will be done in teams of 3.
Rx: 6 intervals each team member.
Each interval consists of 20 seconds bench press (125/185), 10 sec transition time, 20 seconds max calories assault bike. Your teams score is your total bench press reps plus your total calories on the bike.
Rest 10 sec then next team member goes!
FG2: bar weight 95/135
FG1: bar weight 65/95
TG: scaled as needed
CP: 145/205