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Beach WOD and MURPH Reminder!

Hey all,

Our July of epic events is off to a great start! A big crew of Vic City members showed up on Sunday at Cadboro beach for our Beach WOD and had an excellent time. Teams of 2-4 people ran through a series of fun and challenging events set up by Coaches Adam and Tia. There was a unique mix of bodyweight, sand runs, and team log movements that really made people adapt their fitness outside of the box!

Thanks so much for everyone who came out and a special thanks to Adam and Tia for running the session and creating such a great series of events. This is fast becoming an event not to miss every year!


Also, the MURPH Challenge is imminent - and by that I mean it is this coming Saturday, July 14th! We'll be running heats from about 11:30am onwards, on about a 75 minute turnaround. Each participant will have a judge to make sure that they don't lose track of reps or rounds.

At the moment, we only have 4 people officially registered - in that they have actually made their online donation! If you are planning on attending, then you HAVE to secure your spot via a donation. Last year we raised close to $1000, so let's get on it gang! To register, just click on "MURPH Challenge" and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Some important notes:

- The mile run route will be run on the Goose trail heading north (away from downtown). You will cross one bridge and look for an orange "8" spray painted on the right hand side of the trail. Turn around and come back to the gym and you've run 1 mile!

- For Rx standard pushups, you cannot rest on the floor - you must touch the floor with chin and chest/vest only before pressing back to full extension!

- We have a collection of vests at the gym but if you have your own then bring it in to wear

- The event will be run during the hottest time of day, so be well hydrated and know your limits!

- You may split the pullups, pushups, and squats as you like or do it sequentially ("unpartitioned") which is much harder!

Good luck gang and make sure to rest up on Friday :)

Coach Cam



WARM UP: 3 rounds of: 5 deadlifts, 5 hang power cleans, 5 push press, 5 back squats. 200m jog in between each round (8 min cap)

WOD: Double Pup

This workout is a combination score of your best weight lifted plus your AMRAP total. Use your experience from a couple weeks ago on the power clean touch and go to figure out a good weight to hit in this workout.

All sets must be completed in the first 20 seconds of each 2 minute period

Part A. Power Clean touch and go 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 E2M

Build to a heavy 3 touch and go (Score part 1)

* Rest, organize 10 min*

Part B. 10 minute AMRAP of:

Rx: 10 American KBS (35/53), 10 pullups, 40 double unders

FG2: Scale KB weight to 26/44, 5 du + 35 singles

FG1: Assisted pullups, 80 singles sub for the du

CP: 44/70, 10 ctb, 1 triple under + 39 doubles

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