Team Series Week 2
Hey Vic City,
The final instalment of the 2018 Team Series is here. A lot less synchro this week, but you will still be working in a partnership. For WOD 1, share a barbell and work up the heaviest you can get in the complex. Add or take off weight as needed between partners. For WOD 2, you must trade off every 25 calories on the rower, but you can split the handstand push-ups/hand release push-ups as needed.
Wear your Vic City shirt for your last chance to get in on the protein draw. See you in class!
Training Friday - Saturday
3 rounds - 5 deadlifts, 5 hang power clean, 5 front squats, 5 STO. Start with empty barbell and add weight each round.
WOD: (in partnerships - 2)
Team Series 2018 WOD 7 -
10 minute timer to build to a max in the following complex:
1 deadlift
1 hang clean
1 hang clean & jerk
*cleans can be squat or power, must hold on the bar the duration of the attempt
Team Series 2018 WOD 6 -
RX - 2 rounds for time:
100 cal row (total, switching every 25 cal)
50 handstand push-ups (total)
*20 minute time cap
Scaled - Hand release push-ups