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Hey Vic City,

Just because you've completed the On Ramp, that doesn't mean that you should stop learning, and working to refine technique. Although each class doesn't revolve around technique improvements for an hour, that doesn't mean we can't improve at all. The goal is to always progress, regardless of if you completed the On Ramp a few weeks ago, a few years ago, or at another CrossFit gym.

We first need to identify something to improve. For all of us the list can be infinitely long, that's why we aren't all CrossFit Games champions. The key is to start with the largest issues. Use a combination of what you think, plus what your coach offers you for advice to guide your priorities. The things that you want to look for would include obvious discrepancy in lifts - either muscle imbalances from side to side (eg. lunging one way feels drastically different than the other) or radical changes between similar lifts, like your squat variations don't fall in the normal range from one to the next (eg. Back Squat 400 pounds and front squat only 250). You need to pinpoint the reason for that.

Using Beyond the Whiteboard is a fantastic tool for finding weaknesses. BTWB tells me that an athlete's front squat should be around 83% of their back squat. If you are well below, like the exampled 63%, maybe the issue is mobility to hold the front rack position.

Personally, I was able to use this tool to help (ongoing) with my deadlift. I have a very poor deadlift, respective to my overall fitness, so I want to improve that. I've been working at improving my hamstring mobility to improve the proper position to effectively deadlift. If your hamstring don't move as they need, either you won't be able to reach the bar on the ground from an optimal position, or to get there you need to compensate another way, leading to less efficient force production.

Check out the video below of some common deadlift faults. One thing to note is also the optimal set-up position. The hamstrings (back of the upper leg) is very stretched, but able to hold the pelvis in a neutral position. If the hamstrings are unable to achieve this position, likely the pelvis would shift (not good) or greater knee bending would occur to load the front of the legs more (not optimal/not as strong).

Always look to improve your movements. It might take some extra time of intentional mobility work or just being more conscience of what your body feels like when it is moving.




WARM UP: 3 rounds - 12 kbs, 6 kb push press/arm, 6 goblet squats


This is a three person team workout, in which you rotate as needed to complete the distances. One person works at a time as you share the equipment. Good luck!

Women's Rx: 1.0 Assault Bike, 1609m row, 1.0 Assault Bike, 1609m row, 1.0 Assault Bike

Men's Rx: 1.6 Assault Bike, 1609m row, 1.6 Assault Bike, 1609m row, 1.6 Assault Bike

FG: 1.0 Bike and 1000m rows

Cash-Out: 100-200 HR pushups for your team, broken up as needed

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