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New Coach Profile - Tia

I often catch many members and drop ins checking out the "Coach Wall" The reason we have those up is so that you get to know your coach, so read away! What you might have also noticed is that we have had some coaches not on the board yet, so we thought we would leave it to the blog post to give them an introduction to our Vic City Staff.

First Up, Tia Black.

Nickname: Blood Diamond / T

Athletic Backgroud: Fastball, soccer, volleyball, track, & dance

Month/Year Started: June 2016 I officially joined CrossFit (did my first WOD March 2016 during the Open)

What first got you into CrossFit: My boyfriend (now husband) had been doing it for a long time at that point and started sharing it with me, it first started by me just watching him, and any documentary on it, before I finally joined.

First WOD: Open Workout 16.5 (thrusters & burpees)

Fav Lift/Movement: Power Clean & Handstand Push-ups

Least Fav Movement: Double Unders

Fav WOD: Grace

What do you get out of CrossFit: The drive to push myself each and every day and to get out of my comfort zone. Being an athlete my whole life I love that I have found something that makes me work towards a goal and motivates me to be my best self, not only as an athlete, but as a coach, and in my everyday life.

Advice: Patience. Not everything will come naturally, continue to work on your weaknesses and use your strengths when you can. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” (said by someone, somewhere)

Credentials: Bachelor’s in Sport & Fitness Leadership (Exercise & Wellness)


Fun Facts: Has been to watch the last three CrossFit Games. Got engaged in CrossFit Vic City.

Tia is also competing in this weekend's Fraser Valley Throwdown, so wish her luck if you see her before the weekend!

Welcome Tia!


Training Friday - Saturday

Warm-up: Rotate OTM 9 minutes (3 rounds)-

8/12 cal row (add 2/3 cals each round)

2-5 Wallwalks

10 banded pull aparts + 10 air squats

Skill: Deadlift 5 x 5 E2M

- rest -

Strict Press 5 x 5 @ 75-80% of 1 RM

WOD: Tabata Row

8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest

*Score is the LOWEST number of metres across your intervals.

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