Fraser Valley Throwdown Recap
Hey Vic City,
This past weekend we had a large collection of athletes head over to the mainland for the 2018 Fraser Valley Throwdown. The FVT has been well represented by CrossFit Vic City over the years, and is an event that many athletes with an interest in competition focus on. This year the FVT had more division of competitors so that everyone who wanted to compete was able to.
Here are the final results:
Recreational Male - Alan Wade 8th, Chris Van Steelandt 9th
Recreational Female - Kehly Stolz 6th, Megan Jerritt 10th, Bonnie Weyerman 19th
Recreational Female Pairs - Emily & Erika 3rd
Recreational Male Pairs - Mike & Corey 2nd
Competitive Female Pairs - Mika & Katie 11th
Competitive Male Pairs - Erik & Tanner 7th, Jacob & Sean 9th, Dub & Kiel 12th
Competitive Female - Tia Black (Turlock) 7th
For some, this was their first competition, some others have been around awhile. Regardless of experience level a great time was had. I got some feedback from a few of the competing athletes, and the responses were similar amongst them all.
It was an opportunity to spend time away, and build friendships. It was humbling to compete along side people of higher fitness and push yourself to achieve PRs.
Some of the highlights for the athletes was being able to cheer on their fellow Vic City athletes and congratulate them after a great performance, and witness their PRs in lifts or handstand walking.
There is a lot that goes into doing a competition, it is much more than just the standings after the events. Regardless if you were first or last, competitions are a great building block for higher levels of fitness and future competitions.
Reminder that this Saturday we are heading to Galey Farms for 7pm. RSVP on the Facebook event page so we know who we are expecting before we buy tickets.
Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-up: Bear Complex, 3 cycles E90s x 5 rounds
*Start with empty bar and build each set, 1 cycle is squat clean thruster + back rack thruster
Skill: Tempo Front Squat 5 x 3 at 3-2-x E2M
WOD: "Deadpuul"
Rx: 21-15-9
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)
Air Squat
FG: 75/55
TG: Scale weight 30-20-10 air squat
CP: 135/95, Pistols
Cash-Out: 3 rounds- 10-30 second ring support, 30-60 second plank