New Coach Profile - Heather
REMINDER! Tomorrow come to Crossfit Vic City's Halloween Event at Galey Farms. Show up at 7pm at Galey Farm for discounted group rates on the Halloween fun. Friends, family and kids welcome!
As many of you may have noticed we have added more faces to our coaching crew. Last week we got to meet Tia and this week we get to learn more about Heather. Heather has been at Vic City for since the beginning and has lots of quality fitness experience to bring to Vic City. I will let her profile speak for itself. Welcome Heather!
Heather Cameron
Nickname: Mamma C
Athletic Background: 6 time Ironman Triathlon athlete including the World Championships in Hawaii; competed in the World Masters games for Olympic Distance triathlon; multiple marathons and ½ marathons; 5 years as an Aerobic/Fitness Instuctor in the 80’s! Competed 10 consecutive years in the Crossfit Open with a top finish of 65th worldwide. Currently hold the provincial age group records for the Snatch, Clean and Jerk and Olympic Total. Most recently competed at the 2018 IWF World Masters Olympic Weightlifting Championships.
Month and Year you started Crossfit: January 2010
What first got you into Crossfit? After turning 40 I realized the importance of maintaining my physical strength and bone density. I invested in my own personal copy of P90X and became a pro. A friend recommended I try Crossfit. One intro session and I was hooked!
First WOD: Baseline
Favourite Movement: The Snatch followed by the Clean and Jerk as a close second.
Least Favourite Movement: Muscle Up.
Favourite WOD: Cindy and Annie. I really love them all!
What do you get out of Crossfit: A high intensity time efficient workout that if done consistently produces incredible improvements in both physical strength and aerobic capacity. VicCity is so much more than a gym. It’s a community that helps you strive to be the best version of yourself you can be.
Advice for Crossfit newbies: Check your ego at the door! Take the time to learn how to perform the foundational movements correctly. Always remember that realistically most of us exercise to reduce stress and improve our health. Work hard but keep it fun!
Credentials: Crossfit Level 1, NCCP Level 1 Club Coach Weightlifting, Catalyst Athletics Level 1 Coach certification, Precision Nutrition Level 1 and Precision Nutrition Masters Level 2. Married to Bob for 29 years, and proud mother to Stuart, Georgia, and Sarah.

Cone Flip Game - 3x1min Rounds
(Review Split Jerk)
2 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Jerks Every 90secs x4
Rest 4mins
2 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Jerks Every 90sec x4
*Heavier than 1st series*
WOD: GI Jane (20min Time Cap)
Rx 100 Burpee Pullups
FG 75 Burpee Pullups
TG 10 Burpees + 10 Jumping Pullups x5 rounds
CP 30 Burpee Ring Muscle ups