Santa's Anonymous

Hey all, as we're coming into the Christmas and Holiday Season, it is a good time to think about others who may be less fortunate than ourselves. Sometimes it's hard to figure out a way to help out, so here is one way you can make a children's Christmas one to remember.
Krista Kitson, one of our original members and all round wonderful person, has made a connection between our gym and the Santa's Anonymous program through CFAX. Here is what's going on in more detail:
Crossfit Vic City is teaming up with CFAX Santa’s Anonymous Tree of Wishes Campaign this year and would like to invite you to join us by purchasing a gift for a child this Christmas. When you come into the gym you’ll see a number of paper Christmas balls, taped to the window, containing gift requests from children in need.
Feel free to take a look through them, and if you are so inclined, please remove one of these balls from the window and purchase the gift that a child has requested. Once you have purchased the gift, please return the gift and the Christmas ball back to the gym where it’ll then be delivered to Santa’s workshop and then delivered to the child that requested it.
You’ll notice that in addition to the Christmas balls, there are also stocking stuffer wishes. These are just general ideas and suggestions that will be included in the Christmas hampers so there is no need to take the stuffer wish with you, but are only there as suggestions in case you’d like to buy a little something extra.
Please note that we will need all gifts and stocking stuffers back by December 13th.
If you have any questions, please contact Krista at 250-507-8195 or
Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
So check out the gift options next time you're in if it's something you're thinking of contributing to. They're on the window by the pegboard area.
WARM-UP: Rotating EMOM x 3
1. 10 medball cleans
2. 15 pushups
3. 10 Single Leg Glute Bridge per leg
SKILL: Back Squat: 6, 6, 4, 4, 4 E2M
Build as you go to a heavy 4 (not max)
We'll be getting back squats in each week for the remainder of the year, which will be a good opportunity to ramp up your leg strength in preparation for the 2019 CrossFit open. Be sure to record your weights in BTWB or in a journal so that you can look to improve as you go.
WOD: Mix Up
This workout is performed in a group of 3 people. Work quickly as you'll get two parts rest for every 1 part work.
Rx: 1 min intervals per person x 5 each:
Assault bike 6/9 cals, 5 burpees, AMRAP double unders in the remaining time.
Total reps of double unders is your score!
FG2: 3 burpees
FG1: 3/6 cals, 2 burpees, amrap single unders (divide by 2)