Beyond the Gym

With winter upon us and the weather here on the west coast not always being the most favorable for us, we still have so much within our grasp here on the island outside the gym.
Not growing up here and dealing with harsher, much snowier and windier winters I'm amazed at what we are still able to do in the winter time. Especially from those in places like Ontario and the interior of the country.
We program only 3 WODs a week to help you recover and find time to get outside the gym, and here in Victoria we have so many great places to hike, bike, swim, run etc. Anytime you can find a way to get some slower, longer bouts of movement in is always welcome to help build those engines, recover those muscles, enjoy some fresh air and change up the pace from the gym environment.
So despite the rain, we are still very fortunate to live in the climate we have. So throw on a rain coat, toss on your running or biking shoes, rain biking gear and get out for some natural fitness and move around town however you can.
We live in one of the most beautiful places on earth so lets enjoy it year round and help our fitness at the same time too!
See you in the gym, or on the mountain....
Every 90sec x4 rounds
10 Kb Swings
1 Gym Length Bear Crawl
Walk back to Start
Alternate On The Minute
Back Squat x 6,4,4,2
High Box Jumps (24/30) x 3
WOD Open 14.4
Rx: 14min AMRAP
60 cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls (14/20)
30 Cleans (95/135)
20 Ring Muscle Ups
FG2: 20 Chest to Bar Pullups
FG1:Cleans 75/115, Regular Pullups
TG: Scale bar, TTB, Pullups as needed