My CrossFit Pregnancy

Over the years here at Crossfit Vic City we have had a number of women train continuously through their pregnancies. It has been an awesome sight to see so many moms grinding hard through tough workouts and determined to keep after their fitness goals through pregnancy. Maybe some of you soon to be dads or some of us guys at the gym can take on the challenge and strap a medicine ball to our stomachs like the guy above see how it all feels.
Any who I asked one of our members, Leah to do a blog post about her experience as she just had her second baby boy Oakley 7 weeks ago and she is back and building again to work towards new goals after baby #2.
Very inspirational to watch all the women I have coached over the years and continue to coach before, during and after pregnancy.
See Leah's blog below, Congrats to Leah and well done to all you Moms in our Vic City community working hard during or after your pregnancy!
Leah, age 37.
Second baby, first baby born in June 2015, by emergency C-section.
I started Crossfitting in March 2017, and I loved it, right away. I loved the new movements, I loved beating my own scores and lifts. I loved the community (coaches and other members). Just as I was hitting my stride, and consistently RX’ing workouts, I got pregnant (February 2018, during the Open). Obviously, my goals shifted, but I knew I would work out for as long as I could.
I was also active in Pregnancy 1, at a bootcamp style class, some running and lots of hiking. I felt strong at that time but didn’t recover super-fast after the birth. Maybe the C-section, maybe my fitness level before, who knows.
The coaches at Vic City were 150% supportive of staying active while pregnant, and I continued to get to class 3 times a week, with some open gym time as well (between 3-5 workouts a week). I 100% listened to my body, and modified as needed, with great support from the coaches on modifications.
I worked out the day before I delivered.
Pregnancy and child birth and babies are all a mystery to some degree… but this time I was able to naturally deliver and was only in labor for about 5 hours. I think CrossFit had a lot to do with this – I felt strong the entire time (ok maybe not the last little bit) … but I knew I could push my body, and I could handle it. And I was able to deliver a healthy 7 lbs 13 oz baby boy, with no meds. I felt like Superwoman!
Some tips:
Listen to your body
Listen to your doctor – they know more than me
Listen to your coaches
DO NOT listen to all the other people who will have opinions and comments on what you are physically doing (during pregnancy or after birth). Your body, your decisions. You know your amazing body best!

3 rounds
500m/0.5km Assault bike
10 KB American Swings
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges (5/5)
WOD(s): The Dumbell Strikes Back
#1 (10mins)
20sec Work, 40sec Rest 5 sets alternating movements
DB Thrusters (35/50)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Rest 5min
#2 (10mins)
20sec Work, 40sec Rest 5 sets alternating movements
DB Snatch (35/50)
Hand Release Pushups
Score is max reps for each
FG 20/40 DB for both movements, regular pullups
TG Scale DB as needed, Banded Pullups
CP 50+/70+ DB, Bar Muscle ups