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Getting Closer to the Open


Saturday January 26th, 6-9pm @ Crossfit Vic City

There will be a link to the Facebook event on our main gym homepage this week!

Tournament Style games and fun!

Bring a healthy snack or some treats to share.

Now check out this great blog regarding the Open from Coach Meg!


Hey team,

As most of us know, the structure of the CrossFit Games and the Open has drastically changed.The main point I wanted to bring up is that for the first time in history, there will be TWO Opens this year. The first is coming up in late February, and the second will be held in October. In the years to come, the Open will only be held in October. This creates an interesting opportunity for us in 2019.

Quick refresher to our new and current members:

The Open is a worldwide competition involving 400,000 people and lasts 5 weeks with 1 workout a week. Workouts are usually released on a Thursday and you have until Monday at 5 P.M. to complete the workout and submit your score. Vic City will host the workouts each week as part of our regular programming.

The Open is meant to test us after our year of training to reveal our strengths, and expose our weaknesses that we need to address. Each WOD has been strategically designed to test athletes and push them to be their best. The Open is known to have this power of bringing abilities out of us that we never would have expected because we push ourselves harder than we usually would in a class WOD. This could mean you get your first bar or ring muscle up, hit a huge set of unbroken double-unders, smash your snatch PR, or beat your time on a previous Open WOD (should that be one of the workouts).

So again, we have a unique opportunity here. In the first Open coming up at the end of February, push yourself; test yourself; give it your all! See where you stand, what you did well in, and what you need to improve on. With your results, you are able to see what modalities you excelled in (ex. aerobic fitness) and which you need to improve (ex. strength). The beauty is you have close to 7 months to dial it in, and have another chance to test yourself with the second Open in October. For some, this might be a good motivator to put in some extra work.

With the Open approaching, there is still time to work on your limitations. This could mean taking a look at your nutrition, or spending some extra time after class working on things like pull-ups or intervals on the assault bike, or adding just a few extra pounds if we are doing a strength skill in a class WOD. If you need some advice, don’t hesitate to ask your coach. We are here to support you on your journey. If you want some more details on what’s to come this CrossFit season, check out this article with some details.

In the meantime, see you in the gym and keep working hard!

Coach Meg




Dynamic Relay

In pairs: 1 work, 1 rest

1st partner,1/2 gym length inchworm, 1/2 gym length walking lunge, 2nd partner follows.

Then 1st partner does 1 gym length bear crawl, 2nd partner follows.

then 1st partner does 2 gym lengths lateral shuffle (down and back /facing the same direction), 2nd partner follows.

Then Repeat back from beginning.

Complete 2 rounds total.


Power Clean and Jerk (TnG)

6,6,6,6,4 Every 2min

Rx can use this as a general guideline:

65/95, 75/115, 85/125, 95/135, 105/155



In pairs split up work as needed

1 person work, 1 person rest

20min AMRAP

50 Handstand Pushups

75cal Assault Bike

100 Box Jumps (20/24)

125 Wallballs (14/20)

150 Double Unders

FG Scaled HSPU, Single Skips x2

TG Pushups, Scale Box or Ball, Single Skips x2

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