The Open Finale - 19.5
Hey Vic City,
The final week of the Open is here! Like any competition, there are some ups and downs, but we still have a chance to finish strong! Trust that your last year of training has put you in a place to best represent where your fitness is, and give it your best effort!
Check out the Instagram Live video on cfviccity 's Instagram page to get my tips on how to maximize your score regardless of skill level.
Best of luck!
Training Friday - Saturday
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 6 medball burpees, 9 ring row, 12 medball cleans (5 min cap)
WOD: 19.5 (20 min cap)
Rx - 33-27-21-15-9
Thrusters (65/95)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Scaled - bar weight 45/65, jumping pull-ups at 6" bar