New Boxes!!!

Hey Everyone, As you may have noticed we have purchased some new boxes for the gym and come in all sorts of different sizes for all fitness levels.
Please carefully put boxes away in the order you found them once done with them.
If anyone is interested we will be selling off some of the old boxes for $30 per box. May need a few screws and a little TLC but would be a great addition to any of you with some home gym equipment.
Email Coach Graham here if interested:
See you in the gym.
2 rounds
200m run
5 inchworms
10 Hanging knee raises
12 Kb Deadlifts
WOD "Helen"
3 rounds for time
400m Run, 21 American KB Swings (53/35), 9 Pullups
FG Assisted Pullups
TG Scale Run to 200m, Scale KB weight, Ring Rows
4 Rounds
6R/6L Barbell Back rack Reverse Lunges
Alternated with
8R/8L One arm DB/KB Rows