Hey Vic City,
I'm excited to announce a slight shift to one of our most mysterious classes - HERO SATURDAY. I'll give you the details of what you need to know moving forward, and hopefully generate some interest from more of the community.
The Saturday 11am - 12:30/1:00pm time slot will primarily feature two different plans, and which of the two will depend on the time of year. Certain weeks, like this past week and this upcoming week, we will be running "online qualifier" workouts. These workouts are required for many competitions, and scores will decide if you qualify to compete at the main event. These workouts are similar to Open workouts, after completion, registered athletes will submit their scores online. Judging is required and sometimes even video proof of the effort is mandatory.
The other plan, which will occupy the majority of the Saturday blocks, are going to be HERO WODs. If you've been doing CrossFit for a year, you have probably done at least one Hero WOD, whether you knew it or not. Hero WODs are in memory of fallen military members, and are often longer, harder, and higher volume than your traditional CrossFit WOD. For all those reasons, daily, weekly, and potentially even monthly completion of a Hero WOD might be too much for some individuals, depending on their training background and fitness level. Having said that, Hero WODs are very rewarding and usually easier to push yourself harder, especially if you do some research on the Hero that the WOD is in memory of. Murph is likely the most known Hero WOD, and we've run it annual at Vic City and have had some great turnouts from athletes of all levels who've complete it. If you missed Graham's post about the upcoming Murph, check it out for more details. In the case of any test or challenge, solid preparation is key. For fitness challenges it will not only help improve your performance but also help to keep you safe. Therefore, there will be one or two Hero Saturdays leading up to HERO WOD events with the intention to prepare for the actual WOD itself. These prep days will still be very challenging and will provide a boost to your fitness. As I mentioned before, there are plenty of Hero WODs out there, and I know some people have favourites. If you have a favourite or one that you would love to try, but it might seem a bit daunting, comment on Facebook and I'll try to get it in the schedule with time to get some prep work in too. My goal is to be organized a least a month in advance, and post which Hero WOD is coming up, and if it interests you, dedicate the time to prepare in the weeks prior and hit it hard.

(PC Oscar Bravo)
Murph will be our first HERO of the year. It will run on May 25th. May 11th and May 18th will be dedicated to get Murph prep, meaning expect running, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and some weight vest work. Who's in?
WARMUP: 6 sets, on a 1:30 timer, add weight each round (start with empty bar)
5 deadlifts, 4 hang power cleans, 3 front squats
WOD: Bronson
This is an interval workout, so go quickly but focus on form during your (heavier) front squats. Try to keep your work rate up each round.
5 intervals of 1 min work, 2 minutes rest of:
5 front squats (bar taken from the floor) and AMRAP pullups in the remaining time. Your score is your barbell weight plus your total reps of pullups.
(i.e. 165 + 65 = 230)
Rx: 115-125/165-175, ctb pullups
FG2: 75-95/115-135, regular pullups
FG1: 45-55/65-75, jumping pullups
TG: Scaled as needed
CP: 145/205
Cash out: Assault bike moderate effort in partners 1 min on, 1 min off x 8 each (if time allows)