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Community Events

Here was one of our past games nights at the gym playing "Pass the Ace", "What Do You Meme", and "Catch Phrase".

We have lots planned for this summer for fitness activities, but here at Vic City we like to enjoy each others company in other non fitness related activities as well.

In the passed we have held a few game nights of board games and card games. We have done the haunted maze at Galey Farms around Halloween and have also had a few paint parties and potlucks at the gym as well.

I wanted to open it up to the membership and see if any of you had some fun new ideas for activities we could as a community. Any and all ideas are welcome and would be fun to see what you all have to come up with or what you would like to do.

We are open of course to fitness related activities (whether they be high intensity or more leisurely), but also non fitness related are welcome.

If you have any ideas post them to the Vic City Facebook page or comment on this link via the Facebook page.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!




Rotating EMOM x3 rounds

30-40sec Assault bike

15-20sec Active Bar/Hollow Hold

10 Plate Ground to Overhead


Weighted Pullup


Every 2 mins

WOD Open 11.1

10min AMRAP

RX 30 Double Unders

15 Ground to Overhead (55/75)

FG 60 single skips

TG Single Skips, scale bar weight

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