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Chris here digging in deep for PUSH WEEK ahead.

Photo Credit: Oscar Bravo


Happy May everyone!

We have lots happening here at Vic City in May and first up we have PUSH WEEK!

Next week we will be having a different class WOD for each day (Mon-Sat), and as long as you have a 2 day a week membership or more you are welcome to join us for all 6 days!

This week is designed to PUSH you and test your fitness. Cam will have a blog coming this weekend detailing our programming behind PUSH WEEK.

We will have 3 scaling options for the week so everyone can compete and participate. CP, RX and Scaled divisions will be available so come in and give yourself an added PUSH as the summer gets started. Also there will be prizes for the top 3 men and women from each scaling division so be sure to show up for all 6 WODs to better your chances of winning some prizes!

We will also be holding 6am classes on Tues and Thursday next week for you early bird workers to get all 6 WODs in!

If you have any questions talk to your coach or shoot us an email at




3 rounds

200m light jog

4 Inchworms

6 Ring rows

8 Dowel Pass throughs

WOD: "Whamrap"

20min AMRAP

RX 16 Wallballs (14/20), 12 pushup, 8 pullups

FG Banded Pullups

TG Scale Wallball, jumping pullups

CP 20/30 Wallballs, Chest to bar pullups


Double Under Practice

30sec work/1:30min rest

6 rounds

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