Member Highlight - Angela White
Hey Vic City,
Every month we try to highlight a member that has done something extra special. This month is Angela White. Angela goes all the way back to the old CrossFit Vic City, and most of you might recognize her as a staple of the 4pm class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ang has recently kicked up her training over the past little while, taking advantage of the Unlimited membership by coming into Open gym times. She's often doing the Strength WOD or Conditioning WOD and just this month has began attending Hero Saturdays!
Keep reading to get to know Angela a bit better!
When did you start CrossFit? I have been a member at Vic City for six years, it seems that time has obviously flown because I have been lying to anyone who asks usual answer is four years. Now that I've cleared that up, I completed On-ramp May 28, 2013. At the time, a few life experiences had taken some of my confidence away and I was tired of starting programs where instructors would vanish or be cancelled. A friend suggested that we try CrossFit, she knew the owner and some coaches. I was willing to try, but really intimidated by the level of the athletes that trained at Vic City. I soon realized that these athletes gave me something to aspire to. Flash forward six years, and I have come a long way from overhead squatting a dowel with 10lbs for "Nancy", and barely being able to do a double under (donkey kicking was my beginner style). Favourite Memories... I have so many memories banked, but some that stand out to me are travelling to Portland to watch Regionals in 2016, my first Open in 2014, my first pull up without a band, and waking up being excited it was a CrossFit day (I was two days a week when I started). Another one that really stands out, is when we heard the news that Vic City couldn't remain at the old location. I was thinking here we go again, something I really enjoy is going to be cancelled......but that wasn't the case at all I was so happy to hear that no one was giving up, and we would train outside until a new location was found! I also can not forget all the people I have met, friends I have made, and those who were unknown to me before stepping inside the gym that lent me a hand, or supported me in some way.

PC: Oscar Bravo
Angela in Portland cheering all the Regional athletes 2016
What is your favourite/least favourite movement? The variety in CrossFit workouts is one of my favourite things about the sport. If I were to pick a favourite movement it would be the Snatch, and I don't really have any I don't like although workouts loaded with American Kettle Bell swings can get tedious!! What do you enjoy the most? I like that there is always someone to work out with and it is programmed, all I have to do is show up! And of course when someone makes me laugh....some days are tough and I need that laughter in my life!! What goals are you working towards? I just want to keep improving!
This month marks Ang's 6 YEAR CrossFit Vic City anniversary.

Onramp Grad May 2013

Hero Saturday May 2019
Great work Angela, we look forward to seeing where the next 6 years will take you!
Training Wednesday - Thursday
Skill: Front Squat 8 x 2 E90s
@ 90% of best 3 rep from two weeks ago
WOD: 500m Row
All scaling, all out, one time!
Cashout: 4 rounds not for time
16 double crunch
16 reverse lunge (self selected weight)