This weekend is MURPH

We are here, MURPH weekend. Many of you have been actively preparing for Murph over the last month or so and other maybe haven't realized it but have been prepping for it as well in our normal classes. Murph is a true test and is done each year in on honor of those who have sacrificed it all.
We have a good crew so far who have signed up and we can take submissions still! If you haven't signed up yet follow this link to register and make your donation:
All donations for Murph will be going to Soldier On / Sans Limites. Soldier On supports injured military personnel in their pursuit of fitness and sport when they return to Canada and is an official Canadian Government organization.
We have scaling options as well, so even if full Murph sounds like too much you can grab a partner and split it up! Friends and Family are welcome to come as well to cheer you on and/or participate as well.
You do not need to have a Judge for this workout but you are welcome to have a "judge" to help you keep track of your reps and motivate you if you see fit!
Murph will run 2 heats and we will start warming up after the 10am class has finished up. Here is a rough idea of what our Murph day will look like:
11-11:30am Warmup,set up and review run route, tips and tricks for Murph,etc
11:30am-ish HEAT 1
12:45-1:00pm-ish HEAT 2
2:30-3:00pm Recover, Cry, Stretch and Group Photo
3:00pm onwards enjoy your Saturday night.
Really looking forward to the event Saturday and getting our first Vic City Summer series event under our belt!
Rest up, hydrate and bring your A game. See you Saturday!
3 rounds
8 Dowel pass throughs
8 Dowel Overhead Squats
8 Dowel good morning
24 Jumping jacks
Hang Power Snatch 5x3 Every 2mins
"DL Shop"
8min AMRAP
20 Deadlift BUY IN (155/225)
then in remaining time max reps
30 Double Unders
6/8 Handstand Pushups
FG2 125/185, Scaled ROM HSPU
FG1 60 Single Skips
TG Scale Bar weight as needed, HR pushups, Single unders
CP 185/275, 50 Double Unders, Strict HSPU