Meet Coach Kirst!
Your Mondays just got a bit more exciting ... as we have a new coach on board, Coach Kirst! She comes from a strong background of CrossFit coaching both in Alberta and here in BC and has now joined our team.
You'll see her Mondays 4&5pm as well as likely filling in throughout the week. Stop by, crush a workout, and say hi!

ATHLETIC BACKGROUND: Competitive swimming and Volleyball, then into Crossfit, and now Weightlifting!
WHAT FIRST GOT ME INTO CROSSFIT? Just got bored of doing my own stuff at the gym and the classes the gyms offered, wanted something more exciting and challenging!!!
FIRST WOD: Honestly I don't remember.... all I remember is that I died that day, but wanted more!!!!
LEAST FAVOURITE MOVEMENT: thrusters....yuck!
FAVOURITE WOD: Lifting! Or anything with deadlifts and handstand pushups
WHAT DO I GET OUT OF CROSSFIT: I have been lucky enough to experience watching Crossfit change peoples lives. I get to be inspired daily by people pushing themselves in ways they never thought they could and achieve things they had never imagined!
ADVICE FOR NEWBIES: Big weights are fun, but get there by putting in the work. Make each rep count, move WELL, and have all the fun along the way, life is a long time!
CREDENTIALS: CF L1, CF Weightlifting, CF Powerlifting, CF Mobility, PN1, NCCP L1 ( in progress ), BCRPA Group Fitness
WARM UP: 2 rounds with a partner -
10 hanging knee raise each (while other partner holds front plank)
10 pushups each (while other partner hollow holds)
10 air squats each (while other partner holds bottom of squat)
SKILL: Assault Bike
5 sets of 10 sec hard effort from a rolling start, E2M
Try to build effort each round, watch for Watts and see what your peak output is!
WOD: Hung Up
Tough combo of movements, try to do three or fewer sets for the first round of hang power clean (i.e. scale appropriately), stay steady on the burps!
Rx: 21-15-9 of hang power snatch (55/75) and 12 - 9 - 6 of burpee box jumps (20/24)
Fg2: 45/65, burpee box step up
Fg1: scale bar as needed, regular burpees
CP: 75/115, burpee box jump overs (20/24)