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Can West Games

Hey team, so what’s this CanWest Games we’ve been talking about?

In 2018, CanWest became the largest functional fitness event in Canadian history with 900 athletes competing. More excitingly so, in 2020 it’s name will be changed to the CanWest CrossFit Championship and will be a Sanctional event where the winners of Elite Men, Elite Women and Elite team division will be invited to the CrossFit Games.

Over 3 days, athletes will be tested in their lifting, aerobic capacity, power, and gymnastics; hundreds of athletes will be competing. Last year e had a few Vic City members make it to the finals, and our Vic City “Crux” team won the elite trio division!

Our athletes will be competing in exactly a month and they are training in all aspects of fitness. Last year there was a strong man event involving a yoke and farmer carries, a shuttle run event, max lifts, and good old CrossFit style WODs. To say it makes for an awesome spectating event is an understatement!

Below is our listed athletes who have qualified and their competing division. If you see them in the gym, or you come to cheer them on July 26-29, wish them luck!

Congrats to all who have qualified and keep training hard!

Tia Black – Elite Trio

Kehly Stolz – Intermediate Individual

Megan Jerritt – Intermediate Individual

Sophie Reimer – Scaled Individual

Zeke Cabell & Sean Haylow – Elite Trio

Adam Black – Elite Trio

Matt Clever – Intermediate Individual

Anthony Do Souto – Intermediate Individual

Chris van Steelandt – Intermediate Individual

Matty Poon – Scaled Individual




Dowel Game (9mins)

Coaches choice Dowel Drop "fitness reward"

WOD: "Jackie"

RX For Time

1000m Row

50 Thrusters (45 for both men and women)

30 Pullups

FG Banded Pullups

TG Jumping Pullups/Ring Rows


Partner runs

400m Run x4-5 rounds Each partner

1 partner work, 1 partner rest

*Not for time but consistent run times

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