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PC Oscar Bravo

You read it right! We have another Push Week coming to us next week! July 8-13th!

This means 6 days or programming, a different WOD each day and anyone with a 3 day a week membership or more gets to come in for all 6 days! If you have a 2 day membership, pay an additional drop in ($20) to do all the wods you want!

As usual, PUSH week is about challenging yourself with more volume than you're used to and having the chance to win some prizes along the way.

This PUSH week though is a bit different, as the "scoring" workouts for the prizes will be done in partners. Yes that's right, grab your wod buddy and get after it together.

MM, MF, and FF partnerships are all good, and although it is preferable to have you doing the same scaling level, it's not mandatory.

The scoring workouts for PUSH week will be MONDAY, TUESDAY, and FRIDAY next week, so you'll need to coordinate with your buddy for those days. On the other days, you can come in as a single, no problemo.

We will have 3 scaling groups (Scaled, Rx, and Comp Prep) for PUSH week so you can appropriately scale your fitness to withstand all 6 days.

The top three partnerships in each division will collect prizes, ranging from Vic City car decals, to gift cards, to supplements (more details later).

Mobilize, recover and HYDRATE yourself building into and during PUSH week! Have a great week of training and prep for PUSH week next week!




1 round:

200m jog

16 med ball cleans

8 med ball burpees



3 WODs, best overall time, each WOD has a 6min Time Cap & 6min rest between


#1 (0-6:00)

3 Rounds for time

10 power snatch & 10 thrusters (65/95)

#2 (12-18:00)

3 Rounds for time

6/9 cal Assault Bike & 12 Single DB Hang Clean n Press (35/50)

#3 (24-32:00)

3 Rounds for time

16 Deadlifts(155/225), & 8 Handstand Pushups

FG 55/75, 20/35 DB, 125/185, Scale ROM HSPU

TG Scale bar,weight as needed, HR Pushups

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