PUSH week Twosday

Outstanding work on Day 1 of push week. Lots of PR's on the cleans (for 1's, 2's, and 3s) as well as the strict presses. There's nothing like the pressure of the clock and the encouragement of your partner to push up a tough weight.
Day 1 was Score #1 for the week. If you're able to, try to meet up with the same partner and get after Tuesday and Friday (which are Scores #2 and #3).
If not, just come in and enjoy the process :)
And of course, tomorrow is something completely different...
WARM-UP: 3 rounds - 4 inchworms, 8 pushups, 12 double crunch, 16 jumping jacks, 20 light kb swings
WOD: Summer Salt
This workout has two parts but you will total your reps (and calories) from both to get your overall score. No rest between part 1 and part 2!
Part 1: 12 minute amrap of "gymnastics" movements
Rx: Accumulate as many hspu, ttb, and burpee box jumps (20/24, do not have to face the box) as possible in the 12 minutes.
- You can accumulate reps in any or all movements.
- You must get at least 1 rep in either ttb AND hspu to count your score as Rx.
- 1 person working at a time.
Scaled: HR pushups, hanging knee raise, and box step - ups (20/24")
Part 2: 8 minute row for max calories, switch whenever you want!
Comp Prep - a bit different:
AMRAP 20 minutes straight through in relay format: 6 strict or 12 kip hspu (women) /9 strict hspu (men), 9 ttb, 9 burpee bj (24/30)